The Inca Capital City of Cuzco
Cuzco was the capital city of the ancient Inca Empire. Set in a lush valley high up in the Andes, it was arguably the most sophisticated city in the entire ancient Americas.
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Bars and Dots, Maya date calculator software –
Ed’s day job is Director of Maya Exploration Center, a 501(c)3 non-profit
Matt Savino’s book Land Without a Continent

The Palace of Inca Roca

Luke, Alice and Ed in a Sapa Inca McDonalds
Thanks Ed,
I know your theory of the stones being placed by acid but any thoughts of how they were actually lifted in place? I am also interested in the scientists in Washington State that can evaluate the acid??
Hey Nancy,
I wish a had an answer to that. We can theorize all day, but there’s no evidence to lean on here.
Dr. Barnhart – I always look forward to the first day of each month, as I know that your podcast will appear in my inbox. Unfortunately, this month, my copy of Matt Savino’s book arrived a couple of days prior, and I have not been able to put it down until I was into Chapter 27. Today I was finally able to put it down and have the time to listen to your story about Cusco.
Thank you for the recommendation regarding “Land Without a Continent”, it allows me to vicariously take a trip that I have always dreamed about.