Tag: Barnhart
S4 E8 Poverty Point
3500 years ago, Poverty Point was a thriving city of over 5000 people in the bayous of northern Louisiana. Despite not having agriculture or even ceramics, those people built North […]
S4 E7 Mapping Palenque Part 3
The final chapter of the Palenque Mapping Project, Season 1. More snakes, more temples, and a robbery at gun point! I got by with a little help from my friends. […]
S4 E6 Mapping Palenque Part 2
The continued story of how I mapped Palenque – still in 1998, field season 1 of 3. In this episode – forest fires, mangos, and skinny dipping. Show Notes:
S4 E5 Mapping Palenque
From 1998 to 2000, I led the Palenque Mapping Project. In this episode I’ll share the behind the scenes story of how I got the job and the strange things […]
S4 E2 Mississippian Religion
In the centuries before Columbus, millions of people lived in what’s now the eastern United States. Today, we call that Mississippian Civilization. In this episode, I’ll discuss what we think […]
S4 E1 Dr. Jones I Presume?
For most people, Indiana Jones is the archetypal archaeologist. But is he? Indie is a lot of things, but a good archaeologist isn’t one of them! Join Dr. Ed as […]
S3 E7 Ancient American Drugs
Ancient Americans consumed a number of plants that Western society now view as “drugs”. But to the ancients, they weren’t just plants. They had spirits that could give them strength […]
S3 E6 The Olmecs
The Olmecs are widely considered Mesoamerica’s “mother culture”. In this episode I’ll talk about that amazing civilization’s achievements and how recent discoveries may change what we think we know about […]
S3 E3 The Mogollon
The Mogollon are a little known ancient civilization of the American Southwest. But you probably know them and just don’t know you know them, you know? And if you really […]
About This Site
“ArchaeoEd” stands for archaeology education, but its also Ed talking about his 30+ years as an archaeologist