S2 E5 Ma’ax Na Part 2 and Other Tales

Part 2 of the Ma’ax Na story. My 3rd and 4th seasons of mapping adventures at the site, plus other stories about what happened in my early archaeology career in the years 1996 and 1997.


Groups of Four and Five Day Names in the First 23 pages of the Dresden Codex



7 Replies to “S2 E5 Ma’ax Na Part 2 and Other Tales”

  1. Charr Skirvin

    Dear ArcheoEd,
    We have watched your Great Courses lectures – twice – and highly recommend them. We’re also enjoying these podcasts. We’re looking forward to September. Have a great summer. 🙂

  2. Jim Forte'

    Dr. Barnhart – Another excellent and entertaining podcast!

    I always learn so much every time I listen.

    Have a safe and successful Summer!

    • Sergio E. Rosales Wybo

      Thanks Ed,

      We are in Cancun, unfortunately with no time to visit Tulum this time, we came to bid farewell to a Zapatista group sailing to Europe, 500 years after the Tenochtitlán fall (read about it) enjoying your podcast.

      Best of luck this summer

  3. Gabrys Platukis

    Dr. Barnhart, very entertaining. I just read a article about Maax Na, written by Shaw and King, andthey mention that a survey team from the University of Texas at Austin discovered the site in 1995, but not your name. So sad.

  4. Francisco & Joel Gomez-Dossi

    Ed, what great stories to tell. We are looking forward to joining you in July. We are excited about what you will cover in Sept 2021.

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“ArchaeoEd” stands for archaeology education, but its also Ed talking about his 30+ years as an archaeologist