S3 E3 The Mogollon

The Mogollon are a little known ancient civilization of  the American Southwest.  But you probably know them and just don’t know you know them, you know?  And if you really don’t know them, they’re worth knowing.

Show Notes:

Steve LeBlac’s MIMPIDD – a publicly accessible database of over 10,500 Mimbres pottery photos


3 Replies to “S3 E3 The Mogollon”

  1. Greg Shanower

    Hi Ed,
    I love the podcast! I discovered Archaeo Ed about a month ago and I have been listening almost every night. A number of the ancient civilizations you have been discussing I have never heard of before. Its truly amazing that American native civilizations are almost unknown to the modern public. Looking forward to listening much more about these societies. Two questions: 1) why weren’t ancient American plagues or ailments passed on to Europeans during first contact? 2)How is it possible that great civilizations settled in and prospered in a hostile jungle environment? Thanks!

    • edbarnhart

      Hi Greg,
      Thanks for your kind words! I’d be thrilled to have you as an ArchaeoEd patron through Patreon. Quick answers to your questions: 1) There were no big New World plagues to pass over to Europe. The “why is that” follow up is a much longer answer that you’ll have to ask google. 2) Jungles are full of resources. Harder to tame, but much greater diversity of resources at your disposal once you do.

  2. John E. Covell

    Hi Dr. Ed…just finished your Mogollon podcast..and it was awesome for me. I had the distinct pleasure of having Payson Sheets as my professor of SW archaeology at CU, in the 1980’s, and also the good fortune of learning from Dr. David Breternitz in the 1970’s, also at CU. He had Dr. DiPeso as a guest speaker, who showed a most incredible array of photo slides of artifacts from Paquime, Lit a fire under my rear end that has never been really quenched. Steve Lekson was a customer of mine some years ago in Boulder, and he is truly a brilliant individual….his Chaco Meridian is a work of art…As are your podcasts….!!! I am looking forward to more of them.. Thank you for these!! JC

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“ArchaeoEd” stands for archaeology education, but its also Ed talking about his 30+ years as an archaeologist