Recent Posts
S1 E5 Easter Island
Easter Island, or as its known to its inhabitants Rapa Nui, is one of the most remote places on the planet. In this episode, I’ll discuss how the first people […]
S1 E4 Tulum
Tulum was an ancient Maya port city on Yucatan’s eastern coast and still populated when the Spanish first arrived. But strangely, the conquistadors never securely identified or occupied it. Why? […]
S1 E2 Palenque
Palenque is an ancient Maya city nestled into a mountainside in the rainforests of Chiapas, Mexico. This episode will talk about its dynasty, their incredible achievements in mathematics and science, […]
S1 E3 The Hopewell
The ancient Hopewell civilization of Ohio. Yes, Ohio. Guess where the world’s largest collection of ancient geometric earthworks are? Yep, Ohio. And some surrounding states, but mostly Ohio. Show Notes […]
S1 E1 Nazca
The Nazca were a culture in Peru’s desert who existed between 100 BCE and 700 CE. This episode will discuss who they were, how they lived, and (of course) the […]
ArchaeoEd Trailer
A one minute trailer with Ed explaining what the ArchaeoEd podcast is all about.
About This Site
“ArchaeoEd” stands for archaeology education, but its also Ed talking about his 30+ years as an archaeologist